Minutes 13-10-16 - MBGC

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Minutes 13-10-16

Club Notices > 16-17 minutes

MINUTES for the
of the  Murray Bridge Gliding Club Inc.

held at 38 Brandreth St., Tusmore
on Thursday 13th October 2016

meeting opened by the President 7.50 pm
present:   Greg, Peter, Lindsay, Emilis, BJ, Rob, Tim
apologies:  Baylee

1.0  Minutes of the 2015 AGM and June 2016 meetings
moved   Greg      seconded     Rob   accepted

1.1  Items arising
these are embedded in the agenda items below

2.0  - President’s report
A lot of work has been done in recent months by essential members
Bob, Baylee, Steve etc. resulting in FFQ engine temp improvement  
with appreciative applause


With no flying, the committee had looked more broadly to ensure support equipment -
Term investment was used to buy VH-GUD, this is dismantled in hangar as spares
currently ground cover insured.
General consensus to let this lapse when insurances fall due.

issues in choices to apply GUD:
FFQ needs to be fully used before extra standing costs (insurance, basing fee) justify another aircraft
FFQ use is constrained by operating days, instructor numbers, airframe servicing

When VH-GUD current insurance ends, insurance be withdrawn - treat as spare parts in the hangar.
moved BJ   second Rob   accepted

3.0  - Treasurer’s report

3.1 club insurances are done - beginning of December each year
3.2 from AGM  FFQ insured value be adjusted insurer to be advised FFQ value at $60k.
   ROB TO FORWARD EMAIL TO GREG agent:Jenna Davies
the club still consider $60k reasonable in protection of significant damage for FFQ

3.3   meeting accepted that club fees be set at $160 membership/annum               airframe $30/hr   engine $90/hr
for limited period - pilot 5hr use / end of 2016 – club will charge only tacho engine fee
to encourage return to currency – in appreciation of  member understanding of club circumstance

moved Rob   second   Lindsay  accepted ROB TO ADVISE ALL BY EMAIL
3.4  future Form 2 carried out externally   GREG to explore

3.5  hangar keepers insurance     
it was felt the club had accrued benefits by having all insurance in one place
and that this good relationship would hold into the future.

3.6   Records yet to be audited by Ray when he is available  GREG & RAY

3.7 GUD - operating acc used to pay $5k deposit  term account $25k to cover GUD
with monies for FFQ basing fee and insurance in hand

3.8 It was noted that GFA forum has discussion on the diverse finance models amongst gliding organizations.

4.0  - CFIs report
Flying ops resume - get instructors revalidated
CFI change over is being discussed with RTO/O
annual checks due for all.  spin checks need to be done externally  ALL PILOTS

5.0  - Airworthiness report
GUD - engine & propellor log books yet to be found
Noel Roediger to help find loose parts

new club airworthiness officer needed

Site audit done at MBGC by SA RTO/A (& Assist RTO A)  
some useful paperwork improvement processes
audit report awaited.

7.0  other business

7.1  Club appreciates help by senior people and their change of circumstance is fully understood.
 ROB to look at recognition options

7.2 solar panel/charger trickle charge continuous    Lindsay to buy
moved Rob    second Lindsay  accepted

7.3 club hangar gutters   Baylee digger to divert stormwater around
discussion on future gutters

next club meeting   15 th December 2016

close meeting  9.40pm

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